
Kevin Twomey

Kevin Twomey

Kevin Twomey is a Principal Consultant at Table Group. The mission of Table Group, a firm founded by Catholic author Patrick Lencioni, is to change the world of work so people are more fulfilled. Kevin consults CEOs and executive teams in transforming their operations to be at the intersection of performance and dignity. Prior to Table Group, Kevin was an operating executive at education startup Deltak (acquired by John Wiley and Sons NYSE: WLY). Before Deltak, Kevin held various positions in sponsor finance and public accounting. When he is not consulting for Table Group, Kevin can be found performing pro-bono consulting to Catholic schools, organizations, and parishes through the Amazing Parish organization. Kevin earned an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago and an undergraduate degree in Accounting from Michigan State University. Kevin and his wife, Ellen, have been married for over twenty years. They moved to Atlanta from Cary, North Carolina to send their children to Holy Spirit Prep. The Twomeys have five children who attend HSP: Gwen (Class of 2039), Xavier (Class of 2031), MJ (Class of 2028), Isaac (Class of 2027), and Reagan (Class of 2025). Kevin and Ellen are very active in the parent community at HSP and appreciate the adult formation that comes along with the strong student formation at the school. They are parishioners at Holy Spirit Catholic Church. We are excited to bring Kevin’s experience and skill set to the Board and are tremendously appreciative of his willingness to serve the school community.

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